Resources For Those Affected By Gas Service Disruption on Aquidneck Island

One of the biggest utility stories this month has been the disruption of gas service on Aquidneck Island. Due to a pressurization issue, about 7,000 customers on Aquidneck Island had gas service shut off on one of the coldest days of the year. This resulted in people needing to leave their homes and seek alternate shelter while National Grid worked to restore gas.
Thankfully, as of Monday January 28th, the gas service has been restored to 97% of those affected and now they begin the resumption of daily routine.
In addition to Keough + Sweeney’s work on divorce, child support, personal injury,and DUI and OUI cases, we also have an interest in utility law and service in the state of Rhode Island. We felt it would be helpful to share information with residents who might have questions about reimbursements and other items. National Grid has stated that they will cover the following costs on a reimbursement basis, as long as they are directly related to the gas event at hand:
- Reasonable lodging accommodation while gas service is unavailable
- Reasonable meals while gas service is unavailable
- Up to $250 per household for temporary heaters (i.e. space heaters, etc.)
Relief might also be available if your business was affected by the gas issue.
We encourage all to visit the webpage that National Grid has set-up for those seeking information on starting their claim process.